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1.2.1 (11.12.2020)

IMPROVED: Added option for changing expanding/collapse icon color. IMPROVED: Added icon picker for FAQ expanding/collapse icon. IMPROVED: Added icon picker for FAQ Title Icon. IMPROVED: Added option for resizing the FAQ Title icon. IMPROVED: Set the position of expanding/collapse icon both left and right. IMPROVED: Showing notification for invalid FAQ comment and frontend posting. IMPROVED: Provided additional option "Open all FAQ" for accordion mode while loading. FIXED: Corrected the functionality, The link posted in comment and FAQ submission.

1.2.0 (19.03.2020)

FIX: Corrected the path for the minified js file(thfaq-public.min.js). FIX: Corrected the link for the plugin Docs.

1.0.1 (12.07.2019)

IMPROVED: New filter to change the capability of FAQ admin menu. IMPROVED: UI improvements.

1.0.0 (28.11.2019)

INITIAL RELEASE: Advanced FAQ Manager initial version. INITIAL RELEASE: Feature to create FAQs, and display in WordPress pages, posts, and also as FAQ widget using the shortcode. INITIAL RELEASE: Option for the visitors to like or dislike FAQs. INITIAL RELEASE: Option for the visitors to comment on FAQs. INITIAL RELEASE: Option for the visitors share FAQs to social media.