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2.2.4 (06-02-2024)

FIX: Fixed issue in Radio button swatch type. IMPROVED: Added new filter (thwvs_supported_image_types) to support other image types. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 8.5 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.4 compatibility

2.2.3 (07-06-2023)

IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 7.7 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.2 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added compatibility with HPOS(High-Performance order storage). NEW FEATURE: Add an option to show product variations as individual products on the shop page.

2.2.2 (09-03-2023)

IMPROVED: Improved the labels. IMPROVED: Added a link to the 'Attributes' settings page that directs users to the plugin's settings page. IMPROVED: Added separate options for swatches shapes. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 7.4.0 compatibility.

2.2.1 (20-01-2023)

FIX Fixed styles for the RTL site. IMPROVED: Added new filters for changing the shop page price HTML ('thwvs_shop_price_holder'),('thwvs_change_shop_page_variation_price_html' ). IMPROVED: Added a new filter and functionality for show attribute labels on the shop page('thwvs_attribute_title_in_shop_page' ). IMPROVED: PHP 8 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 7.3.0 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.1 compatibility.

2.2.0 (19-07-2022)

IMPROVED: Added new filter to change image HTML (thwvs_change_swatch_html). IMPROVED: Added new filter to change class of shop page Add to cart button (thwvs_shop_page_add_to_cart_buton). IMPROVED: Added new filter after swatch element to add new elements(thwvs_after_swatch_li). IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.7 compatibility. NEW FEATURE:Added a new feature to allow users to import and export variation swatches along with WooCommerce default product import-export.

2.1.0 (02-06-2022)

IMPROVED: Added compatibility with WooCommerce product bundle. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.5.1 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.0 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added an indication to quickly identify variations that are available on Backorder. NEW FEATURE: Added complete REST API support.

2.0.3 (03-04-2022)

IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.3.1 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 5.9 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added compatibility with the WPC Smart Quick View plugin. NEW FEATURE: Added swatches display as Slider. NEW FEATURE: Added swatches display as Accordion. NEW FEATURE: Added swatches display as Vertical Scroller. NEW FEATURE: Added swatches display as Horizontal Scroller. NEW FEATURE: Added an option to display selected variation terms as swatches (image/color) on the cart and checkout page. NEW FEATURE: Added provision to select horizontal or vertical options for radio buttons on archive pages. NEW FEATURE: Added more styling options for Out of Stock. NEW FEATURE: Added an option for Out of Stock button clickables.

2.0.2 (14-01-2022)

IMPROVED: Added swatches on the additional info tab for simple products. IMPROVED: Added new filter for variation label separator. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.1.0 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added lazy loading for image swatch type. NEW FEATURE: Added swatches as a dropdown feature.

2.0.1 (27-10-2021)

FIX: Fixed the issue of out-of-stock behavior of default selected variations. FIX: Fixed the issue of selected attribute labels not shown for default selected variations. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 5.8.1 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added new selection styles for color, image and label swatches.

2.0.0 (12-06-2021)

IMPROVEMENT: Added term settings option for individual attributes. IMPROVEMENT: Added WooCommerce version - 5.4.1 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added image with label as new swatch type. NEW FEATURE: Added option to convert all the default swatches to image swatches. NEW FEATURE: Added option to show selected variation name beside the attribute label. NEW FEATURE: Added search option for Swatches designs & Attributes.

1.4.1 (12-02-2021)

FIX: Fixed warning in advanced settings page. FIX: Fixed warning in shop page on first installation. FIX: Fixed issue of attributes display fails in the additional info tab in single product page, when variation is not configured.

1.4.0 (11-12-2020)

NEW FEATURE: Added option for font size change for featured attributes. NEW FEATURE: Added option for showing the featured attribute display in the shop page. NEW FEATURE: Added option to limit the number of attributes in the shop page. NEW FEATURE: Added option for variation image change on single variation selection in the product page. NEW FEATURE: Added option for variation image change on single variation selection in shop page. NEW FEATURE: Added attribute specific outer class to HTML div thwvs_fields. NEW FEATURE: Added option of featured attribute for radio fields. IMPROVED: Added filter for modifying the shop page swatch display hook and display priority. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 4.8 compatibility.

1.3.1 (08-10-2020)

Fix: Added alt attribute for all image tags used.

1.3.0 (20-09-2020)

NEW FEATURE: New options to set out of stock behaviour. NEW FEATURE: Added clear on reselect option. NEW FEATURE: New options to style active and hover behaviour. NEW FEATURE: New option to easily convert all the default swatches to label swatches. NEW FEATURE: New option for disabling the plugin style sheet. NEW FEATURE: Added option to set the tooltip font size for term name and description. IMPROVED: Settings screen UI improved.

1.2.0 (25-08-2020)

FIX: Fixed the issue of missing class in the javascript functions. FIX: Fixed the issue of out of stock display in the variation. Fix: Fixed the stock left alert issue for the radio type display. IMPROVED: Improved UI for settings screens. IMPROVED: Code cleaning.

1.1.1 (19-06-2020)

FIX: Fix for the issue of not showing variation price in shop page with some themes. IMPROVED: WooCommerce latest version 4.3.0 compatibility added.

1.1.0 (06-04-2020)

FIX: Fixed the issue of not properly working blur with the cross option in shop page. IMPROVED: Localization implemented for all screens. IMPROVED: Plugin code cleaned & optimized.

1.0.9 (26-03-2020)

IMPROVED: WooCommerce latest version compatibility added.

1.0.8 (28.01.2020)

NEW FEATURE: Added the new shop page settings. NEW FEATURE: Added option for changing the label font size in global settings. IMPROVED: Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 Added. IMPROVED: Improved the sanitisation of input data. IMPROVED: Added filter "thwvs_show_variation_on_custom_page" for showing swatches in custom pages FIX: Fixed compatibility issue with major themes like Hestia, Divi, Flatsome, Sydney, Ocean, Avada FIX: Fixed the issue with quotes usage in the admin settings screen. FIX: Fixed the issue of hiding the price in shop page when we select a variation. FIX: Fixed the issue of displaying the wrong add to cart button text if variation display is through Ajax. FIX: Fixed the issue of not changing the image to default image after clearing the selection in shop page

1.0.7 (26-08-2019)

IMPROVEMENT: Improved the 'unavailable variation' style for radio fields. FIX: Handled the default variation selection in product page when an unavailable variation is set as default.

1.0.6 (28.05.2019)

NEW FEATURE: Added the option to display radio button swatches on Shop page. NEW FEATURE: Added option for displaying the swatches in the Additional information tab. NEW FEATURE: Added option for radio button styles in general settings and Individual settings. NEW FEATURE: Added option for Clear button style and display text edit. NEW FEATURE: Added option to decide the label positions for Attributes. NEW FEATURE: Added option to set an attribute as featured. NEW FEATURE: Added option for adding attribute description and its styling option NEW FEATURE: Added option for making the select2 styles for select type swatches. NEW FEATURE: Added option for adding the font size for attribute label. IMPROVED: Improved front-end UI style options. IMPROVED: Improved the admin panel UI for general settings. IMPROVED: Added filter for changing the add to cart text. IMPROVED: Added text-domain for all the keyword used in the plugin. FIX: Fix for missing argument error. FIX: Fix for Global Settings checkbox enabling on resting the attribute.

1.0.5 (09.04.2019)

FIX: Ajax Add to cart issue on the shop page.

1.0.4 (22.02.2019)

FIX: Out of stock style corrected for unavailable product variation. FIX: Corrected the admin panel CSS conflict with Themehigh's WooCommerce Multistep Checkout plugin. IMPROVED: Added new style for radio field type in the admin panel. IMPROVED: Updated license module.

1.0.3 (19.12.2018)

FIX: Fix for the issue of swatches not displaying on quick-view. FIX: Fix for the issue of stock label not working properly. FIX: Fix for the issue of adding local term. IMPROVED: Change product image based on variation in archive page. IMPROVED: New radio button style is added. NEW FEATURE: Added background color option for label/button swatch. NEW FEATURE: Added more styling options for tooltip. NEW FEATURE: Added bicolor swatch type in color swatch. NEW FEATURE: Added all swatches settings for custom attributes(local attributes). NEW FEATURE: Added variation swatches on all archive page. NEW FEATURE: Added new field to update ajax variation threshold value.

1.0.2 (02.11.2018)

IMPROVED: Plugin action links are added.

1.0.1 (01.11.2018)

FIX: Fix for the issue of license update.

1.0.0 (02.11.2018)

INITIAL RELEASE: WooCommerce Product Variation Swatches initial version. INITIAL RELEASE: Color swatches for product variation attributes. INITIAL RELEASE: Image/Icon swatches for product variation attributes. INITIAL RELEASE: Label/Button swatches for product variation attributes. INITIAL RELEASE: Radio Swatches for product variation attributes. INITIAL RELEASE: Tooltips for Product Variation Swatches. INITIAL RELEASE: Stock Left Label. INITIAL RELEASE: Out-of-stock information display style. INITIAL RELEASE: Variation Swatches on Shop page.