3.6.3 (31-05-2024)
FIX: Fixed the vulnerability issue reported by the patch stack.
FIX: Fixed the custom field dropdown issue from the WooCommerce backend orders page.
IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 8.9 compatibility.
3.6.2 (01-05-2024)
IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 8.8 compatibility
IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.5 compatibility.
3.6.1 (23-01-2024)
FIX: Fixed the compatibility issues with the 'Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer' plugin. IMPROVED: Added PHP 8.2 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 8.5 compatibility. IMPROVED: Implemented sanitization for the file upload field. IMPROVED: Updated POT file.
3.6.0 (29-09-2023)
FIX: Fixed a licensing issue that was blocking plugin updates. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 8.1 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.3 compatibility.
3.5.1 (19-06-2023)
IMPROVED: Added compatibility with HPOS(High-Performance order storage). IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 7.7 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.2 compatibility.
3.5.0 (31-03-2023)
FIX: Fixed the disabled time issue with the linked date in the time picker field. FIX: Fixed the compatibility issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin. FIX: Fixed the compatibility issue with the WP Event Manager plugin. IMPROVED: Added compatibility for FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce plugin. IMPROVED: Improved the working of a maximum selection property for multi-select fields. IMPROVED: Added Woocommerce 7.5 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.1 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added instant validation on the checkout page.
3.4.0 (25-08-2022)
FIX: Fixed the address format override issues of conditionally displayed fields. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.8.2 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added a new filter to upload the file from the admin order page. IMPROVED: Improved the file upload field type functionality. NEW FEATURE: Added a custom file upload button property for the File upload field type. NEW FEATURE: Show alert on selecting display position of sections as before/after terms and conditions.
3.3.0 (02-06-2022)
IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.5 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 6.0 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added input masking feature for text and telephone field type. NEW FEATURE: Added conditional rule based on shipping class. NEW FEATURE: Added conditional rule based on shipping weight. NEW FEATURE: Added conditional rule based on product type. NEW FEATURE: Added a new feature to disable the time slot for time picker field type.
3.2.0 (28-04-2022)
IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.4.1 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added address autofill feature on the checkout page and my account page. NEW FEATURE: Added option to disable select2 property specifically for each select and multi-select field.
3.1.10 (28-03-2022)
FIX: Fixed the issue of shipping state not showing in thank you page and email when condition rule is applied. FIX: Fixed the working of day equal to condition not working for the Datepicker field.
3.1.9 (18-03-2022)
FIX: Fixed the issue of not displaying fields in the admin emails. IMPROVED: Retain the options while changing the field type. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.3.1 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WordPress 5.9 compatibility. NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "Datetime local". NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "Date". NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "Month". NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "Time". NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "Week". NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "URL". NEW FEATURE: Added new field type "Paragraph".
3.1.8 (28-12-2021)
FIX: Fixed tag-related display rule issues. FIX: Fixed the issue of not displaying field label for the validation error message in custom sections. IMPROVED: Added new filters thwcfe_custom_validator_pattern, thwcfe_confirm_validator_pattern, thwcfe_field_value_length_calculation_function, thwcfe_mb_strlen_encoding & thwcfd_hidden_fields_display_position. IMPROVED: Added RTL support with WordPress. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 6.0.0 compatibility.
3.1.7 (06-12-2021)
FIX: Removed Display rule based on Product Variations. FIX: Fixed the issue of conditional rule with the shipping method for the checkbox field. FIX: Fixed the issue of the 'Show section title field functionality. FIX: Fixed the issue of the Max length validation error displayed for the multi-select field. FIX: Fixed the issue of accepting value as an HTML tag for the default value of the hidden field. FIX : Index params added in thwcfe_uploaded_file_name filter. FIX: Jquery UI files served locally instead of CDN. FIX: Fixed the issue with Cart only containing tag, product, categories, product variation functionality. FIX: Handled the case of zero values in Custom validation. FIX: Fixed checkout field display issues in multisite. IMPROVED: Added minimum length option for Text field. IMPROVED: The default value of price type is set as fixed. IMPROVED: The default value of the Number field will only take numeric values. IMPROVED: Time changes with respect to the WordPress time for the Time picker field. IMPROVED: Added Conditional rule based on All tags. IMPROVED: All update_option calls are updated with autoload and no parameter with filter thwcfe_option_autoload. IMPROVED: Custom billing or shipping field data gets displayed in the corresponding section. IMPROVED: Added new filters use_custom_ship_to_different_address_css_selector, ship_to_different_address_css_selector, thwcfe_modify_order_posts_custom_column. IMPROVED: Added PHP 8 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added WooCommerce 5.9.0 compatibility. IMPROVED: Added Wordpress 5.8 compatibility.
3.1.6 (10-05-2021)
FIX: Fixed nested conditional rules not working issue in Safari browser on iOS/ Macintosh devices. FIX: Fixed display of field price in order review panel upon removal of the uploaded file. FIX: Fixed display of the file name more than once in order review panel for the file upload field with Price. FIX: Fixed fatal error occurring upon activating Multiple Addresses for the WooCommerce Pro plugin. IMPROVEMENT: Enhanced select support added to my account pages. IMPROVEMENT: Added field display to the subscription order details page. IMPROVEMENT: Improved repeat rule functionality of default checkout fields. IMPROVEMENT: Blocked overriding of default sections. IMPROVEMENT: Field price to be considered as a recurring fee for subscription orders. IMPROVEMENT: Use 'Week Starts On' value from the WordPress general setting instead of hardcoded values for the date picker field. NEW FEATURE: Added option to reset sections individually. NEW FEATURE: Added filter 'thwcfe_wc_subscriptions_recurring_fee' to manage recurring checkout fees for subscription orders. NEW FEATURE: Added export functionality for Fields & Sections.
3.1.5 (31-01-2021)
IMPROVEMENT: File upload functionality improvements. IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce latest version compatibility added.
3.1.4 (24-12-2020)
FIX: Fixed the issue of users can't view the preview of the uploaded file on the checkout page & My Account page when a file upload field is set as user meta. FIX: Fixed the issue of users can't delete the uploaded file on the checkout page & My Account page when multiple files are uploaded in a single file upload field. FIX: Fixed the jQuery UI i18n JS file missing error in the checkout page. FIX: Fixed the issue of not able to select options from the Select2 field on the checkout page. IMPROVEMENT: Improved UI dialog button styles in settings screen. IMPROVEMENT: License manager updated. IMPROVEMENT: WordPress latest version compatibility added. IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce latest version compatibility added.
3.1.3 (11-11-2020)
IMPROVEMENT: Repeat rules functionality improvements.
3.1.2 (03-10-2020)
IMPROVEMENT: File Upload field to support multiple file upload added. IMPROVEMENT: Added options to enable/disable address fields properties override with locale settings.
3.1.1 (27-07-2020)
IMPROVEMENT: Improved the price calculation process to eliminate the chance of missing extra prices when slow ajax calls performed. IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce latest version compatibility added.
3.1.0 (19-06-2020)
FIX: Fix for the issue of missing ‘Additional Fields’ section when upgrading from free to premium. IMPROVEMENT: Improved the price calculation process to eliminate the chance of missing extra prices when slow ajax calls performed. IMPROVEMENT: Removed the unused dropdown ‘Validation’ from the settings popup form for field types 'Select', 'Radio' and 'Checkbox'.
3.0.9 (07-05-2020)
FIX: Fix for the display rule issue when settings conditions based on Tag & Cart Only Contains. FIX: Fix for the display rule issue when settings custom shipping fields based conditions. IMPROVEMENT: Zapier latest version 2.0.x compatibility added.
3.0.8 (15-04-2020)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not setting custom fields price when user creating account from checkout page. FIX: Fix for the issue of not hiding section title in order details pages even if no fields are available to display. IMPROVEMENT: Settings screen style improvement.
3.0.7 (26-03-2020)
IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce latest version compatibility added.
3.0.6 (18.10.2019)
FIX: Fix for the issue of displaying conditionally hidden non input fields in order details pages. FIX: Fix for the issue of not opening section edit popup when special characters provided for the title. IMPROVED: License manager updated IMPROVED: New filter to modify plugin access capability. NEW FEATURE: New filter to modify custom fields display position in pdf invoices & packaging slips.
3.0.5 (26.09.2019)
FIX: Fixed the issue of not showing save button in field settings popup when more options added to select field after changed the popup position. FIX: Fixed the issue of not displaying additional section fields value in admin order details page. FIX: Fixed the issue of not displaying custom fields in the emails which sending on changing order status from the order details page. IMPROVED: Lazy loading products to improve product list loading time. NEW FEATURE: Added option to set product tags based conditional rules.
3.0.4 (19.09.2019)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not showing placeholder for country and state fields. FIX: Fix for the issue of not adding extra price when slow network delayed the Ajax calls. FIX: Fixed the issue of displaying custom field values twice in order emails. FIX: Fixed the issue of displaying custom fields in pay order page. FIX: Fixed the file upload issue in the review panel. IMPROVED: Added filters to enable or disable date-picker controls. IMPROVED: Displaying section title in order details pages and order emails. IMPROVED: Displaying option price along with option text. NEW FEATURE: New option added to repeat fields and sections based on product quantity. NEW FEATURE: New conditional rule options added (Starts with, not starts with, regex).
3.0.3 (03.06.2019)
FIX: Fixed the conditional rule issue of address fields with WooCommerce latest version. IMPROVED: Added the option to display headers & Labels in emails.
3.0.2 (31.05.2019)
FIX: Sections sorting issue in order details page fixed. FIX: WooCommerce Zapier latest version compatibility issue fixed. FIX: Added fix for the fatal error when WooCommerce session object is not available.
3.0.1 (13.05.2019)
FIX: WooCommerce Zapier plugin compatibility issue fixed. FIX: Fix for the issue of not deleting uploaded file from My Account page.
3.0.0 (26.04.2019)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not translating field values in PDF invoices. FIX: Fix for the issue of not translating option text in emails. FIX: Fix for 'value in' conditional rule issue with empty selection IMPROVED: New Ajax conditional rules 'contains' and 'not contains' added. IMPROVED: Added thumbnail view for file uploads. IMPROVED: File upload preview added. NEW FEATURE: Option to include custom fields in WooCommerce API response.
2.9.9 (21.02.2019)
FIX: Fix for the issue of clearing default value when conditions applied. IMPROVED: New license manager implemented.
2.9.8 (07.12.2018)
FIX: Fix for the conflict issue with Themehigh's Multi-step Checkout plugin. IMPROVED: New filter to disable product drop-down in conditions settings. IMPROVED: Added usermeta support for file upload fields. IMPROVED: Custom field additional price calculation improved.
2.9.7 (12.11.2018)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not working price with File upload field type. FIX: Fix for default fields display order issue. FIX: Fix for Conditional rules settings action buttons missing issue. NEW FEATURE: New filter to modify field value.
2.9.6 (26.10.2018)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not accepting double quotes for field label and description. FIX: Fix for the issue of not working update cart properly. FIX: Fix for duplicate category list issue when validating conditions. FIX: Fix for the style issues with the latest WooCommerce version. NEW FEATURE: New filter to modify default sections.
2.9.5 (15.08.2018)
FIX: Fix for the issue of displaying empty space in review order section. FIX: Fix for the issue of not working payment method based conditions. FIX: Fix for date-picker browser translation issue. FIX: Fix for the issue of not working mandatory field validation for default fields. FIX: Fix for the price calculation issue for checkbox group. IMPROVED: ThemeHigh's WooCommerce Multi-Step Checkout plugin support added. IMPROVED: Automatically set min and max date for date-picker based on the linked date picker values. IMPROVED: Disabling dates from date-picker those are already selected in the linked date-picker NEW FEATURE: Added helper functions to use with third party functions. NEW FEATURE: Added new action hooks before and after custom section.
2.9.4 (25.05.2018)
FIX: Fix for the display price compatibility issue with WooCommerce older version. FIX: Fix for the license activation issue. FIX: Fix for the issue of not working date string based conditional rules. FIX: Fix for the issue of not setting the default value for the country field. FIX: Fix for the address field required validation issue. FIX: Fix for the issue of calculating extra cost on conditionally hidden shipping fields. IMPROVED: Added option to display option text instead of option value in order emails, thank you page and order details page. IMPROVED: Changed default value field form text to textarea for textarea fields. IMPROVED: Added off value for checkbox fields. NEW FEATURE: Added option to duplicate section. NEW FEATURE: Implemented conditional rules for sections. NEW FEATURE: Added new field types File, Telephone, Email and Number. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to modify quantity for dynamic price option. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to modify field description display position. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to skip address fields override with locale. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to support multi step checkout NEW FEATURE: Added new positions in review order table. NEW FEATURE: Added hook to modify field options.
2.9.3 (02.03.2018)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not working CSV export with 'multi row per order' option. FIX: Fix for single quot issue in section edit form. FIX: Fix for the issue of validating conditionally hidden fields in my account page. FIX: Fix for section title display issue in my account page. IMPROVED: Added option to change start day of a Date picker. IMPROVED: Added option to limit max selections allowed for multi select. IMPROVED: Displaying tax label in order review section in checkout page. IMPROVED: Added confirmation check before deleting a custom section. IMPROVED: Added confirmation check before reseting advance settings. IMPROVED: Show field name along with field label in field selection drop-down in conditional rules settings tab. IMPROVED: Added filter to show only custom fields in admin new order custom fields section. IMPROVED: Added option to choose number of checkbox options to display per line for checkbox group. NEW FEATURE: ThemeHigh's WooCommerce Multi Step Checkout plugin support added.
2.9.2 (01.02.2018)
FIX: Fix for the compatibility issue with the latest version of 'WooCommerce Customer / Order CSV Export' plugin. FIX: Fix for the issue of displaying conditionally hidden fields in order details pages. FIX: Fix for the issue of validating non user meta fields in my account page. FIX: Fix for the issue of not triggering webhooks with the latest version of WooCommerce. FIX: Fix for the compatibility issue with the latest version of 'WooCommerce Zapier' plugin FIX: Fix for WPML compatibility issue with category. FIX: Fix for the issue of not displaying default values for the fields which displayed using before & after customer details hooks. IMPROVED: Displaying subtitles in order detail pages. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to display hidden fields as text fields in my account page.
2.9.1 (22.12.2017)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not calculating field price for the fields displayed in order review section. FIX: Fix for the field priority setting issue. FIX: Fix for time-picker cross day time slots issue. FIX: Fix for not working user role based conditional rules in my account page. FIX: Fix for not showing section titles in my account page. FIX: Fix for the issue of validating conditionally hidden mandatory fields kin my account page. IMPROVED: Allowing uppercase letters in field & section names. IMPROVED: Touch keyboard disabled for select fields in phone browsers. IMPROVED: Improved custom validation function for field types radio, check-box, select etc. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to ignore row split in my account page fields. NEW FEATURE: Added conditional rules based on product variations. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to set field as read-only. NEW FEATURE: Added filter to include additional fields in fields based conditional rules.
2.9.0 (17.11.2017)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not displaying Time picker properly in My Account page. FIX: Fix for undefined index issue in invoices FIX: Fix for not working conditional fields properly in My Account page. FIX: Fix for not working all fields types properly in My Account page. IMPROVED: Removed disabled fields from conditional rule settings page.
2.8.9 (08.11.2017)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not displaying textarea value with linebreaks. FIX: Fix for the issue of invalid request error when activating license. IMPROVED: Improved to work conditional rules in My Account page. IMPROVED: Improved to display all fields types in My Account page with respective type features.
2.8.8 (27.10.2017)
FIX: Fix for the issue of not preloading user meta fields in custom sections. FIX: Fix for the issue of not validating conditions properly when "all categories" or "all products" chosen.
2.8.7 (20.10.2017)
IMPROVED: New filters added to control field display in My account edit address form. IMPROVED: Added the option to choose validation for password field. FIX: Fix for the price calculation issue of hidden fields type. FIX: Fix for the issue of displaying heading & label even when disabled.
2.8.6 (13.10.2017)
IMPROVED: Compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.2.0 FIX: Replaced removed/deprecated hooks.
2.8.5 (12.10.2017)
FIX: Fix for the multi-select issue in admin form FIX: Fix for the fatal error "Can't use method return value in write context".
2.8.4 (06.10.2017)
IMPROVED: Address field format override to includes default email and phone fields.
2.8.3 (04.10.2017)
FIX: Removed multiple events added for conditional field change listener. FIX: Fix for the issue of not displaying custom fields in emails when re-sending from Order details page. FIX: Fix for the issue of not working required property for address fields.
2.8.2 (01.10.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Added new filters to modify display rule of fields. NEW FEATURE: Added new filters to modify min date, max date, disabledDays, disabledDate etc for date-picker. FIX: Fix for the copying settings from free version to premium issue.
2.8.1 (29.09.2017)
IMPROVED: Structural changes and performance improvement. IMPROVED: Optimized the field properties to fix memory issue.
2.8.0 (30.08.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Added the option to display heading & label in Thank you page and order details page. IMPROVED: Added the option to link date-picker and time-picker fields. FIX: Fix for the issue of refreshing order summary for conditional price fields. FIX: Fix for the issue of checkbox checked flag conflict with pail poet. FIX: Fix for the issue of sending duplicate Ajax requests.
2.7.9 (31.07.2017)
IMPROVED: New filter added to make the date picker field editable.. IMPROVED: API Key text changed to License Key. FIX: Fix for the default address fields required validation issue. FIX: Fix for the issue while saving field values in My Account field edit form. FIX: Fix for the issue of not hiding disabled fields properly. FIX: Fix for multi-select field z-index issue in field settings popup form.
2.7.8 (11.07.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Dynamic & custom price options added. NEW FEATURE: Added dynamic price calculation based on other field value. NEW FEATURE: Added new filters to modify the extra cost. NEW FEATURE: Added conditions based on date and day. NEW FEATURE: Added the option to backup plugin settings. IMPROVED: Hide extra cost if zero. IMPROVED: Label field display rule improved for empty labels. IMPROVED: WPML taxonomy translation support added for category based conditions. IMPROVED: Validating and filtering fields before adding extra price. IMPROVED: Div wrapper added for custom sections. FIX: Fix for the issue of not displaying conditional fields in My Account page. FIX: Fix for the issue of not displaying billing address fields in delivery address when ship to billing address enabled. FIX: Fix for the issue of not translating field label in validation message.
2.7.7 (26.04.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Confirm field validation feature added. NEW FEATURE: Field options sort feature added for the field types select & radio in settings popup form. IMPROVED: Added option to set wrapper class for 'Heading' and 'Label' field types. FIX: Fix for checkbox group value display issue in My Account order details page. FIX: Backward compatibility added for get tax status function. FIX: Fix for field display order caused by priority sort.
2.7.6 (19.04.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Added taxable option for price fields. FIX: Fix for address format override & address display issue. FIX: Backward compatibility added for WooCommerce 3.0. FIX: Fix for the performance issue while loading 1000+ products in settings page. FIX: Fix for Title overlap issue.
2.7.5 (05.04.2017)
IMPROVED: WooCommerce 3.0 Compatible. FIX: Fix for address format override issue. FIX: Fix for the issue of not hiding default customer details('customer_note', 'billing_email', 'billing_phone') in emails when choose to hide.
2.7.4 (20.03.2017)
FIX: Fix for start time display issue in time picker. FIX: Fix for custom select field display issue in admin profile view. FIX: Fix for settings page broken issue when RTL language selected.
2.7.3 (23.02.2017)
NEW FEATURE: WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin can now display custom fields. NEW FEATURE: Added option to display character count for input fields. IMPROVED: Changed the address format settings field from text to textarea. IMPROVED: More display positions are added for custom sections.
2.7.2 (09.02.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Included option to add role based conditional fields.
2.7.1 (07.02.2017)
FIX: Fix for multi-select field issue in settings page.
2.7.0 (01.02.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Added new settings to display custom fields as part of default address fields. IMPROVED: Added new default validation options Postcode and State. IMPROVED: Custom user fields are now available for editing in admin view profile page.
2.6.9 (23.01.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Added more options for cart total related conditional rules. FIX: Fix for showing non user meta fields in My Account > Edit Address form. FIX: Fix for field/section subtitle inline style issue. FIX: Fix for the issue total based conditional rules were not working with 0 value.
2.6.8 (14.01.2017)
NEW FEATURE: Added support to display custom fields for WooCommerce Webhooks. FIX: Fix for the issue of showing forward slashes while using html content for label. FIX: Fix for the issue of skipping validations when using 0 as value.
2.6.7 (11.12.2016)
IMPROVED: Added new settings to display fields in admin and customer emails and order pages separately. FIX: Fix for translation bug - WPML
2.6.6 (07.11.2016)
FIX: Fix for the issue Time picker start time is not working properly when the current time is earlier than the Min. Time
2.6.5 (21.10.2016)
FIX: Fix for the issue not updating total properly when switching between price field options. FIX: Fix for the issue not listing custom field names when scanning plugin with WPML.
2.6.4 (14.10.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Included an option to add CSS classes to field wrapper element. FIX: Shop Order column filter bug fixes.
2.6.3 (06.10.2016)
FIX: Zappier fields not available to map issue fixed. FIX: Checkbox group price issue fixed.
2.6.2 (25.09.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Added new field checkbox group. NEW FEATURE: Added few advance settings to handle few common issues like as memory issue. NEW FEATURE: Included an option to display custom fields in shop order columns.
2.6.1 (08.09.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Included a new attribute to add field Description. NEW FEATURE: Add an option to display field name in custom validation messages.
2.6.0 (02.09.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Included new feature to add User Meta fields into checkout page. NEW FEATURE: Included new feature to create custom validators.
2.5.2 (03.08.2016)
FIX: Zappier fields not available to map issue fixed. NEW FEATURE: Included an option to add max length validator to input fields.
2.5.1 (22.07.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Added WooCommerce Customer / Order CSV Export plugin support, and now custom fields can exported. FIX: Multiple fixes to string translation using WPML. NEW FEATURE: Added support to Zapier integration plugin.
2.5.0 (13.07.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Included new feature to conditionally display fields in checkout page based on other checkout fields value. NEW FEATURE: Added string translation support using WPML.
2.4.2 (06.06.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Added a new attribute 'Start Time' to TimePicker field which is used to hide timeslots which is prior to a specific time from now(for example allow only those time slots which is after 3 hour and 30 minutes from now).
2.4.1 (28.05.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Added an option to disable certain days in DatePicker. Ex: disable all Saturdays and Sundays from the calendar popup. NEW FEATURE: Added an option to disable certain dates in DatePicker. Ex: disable 2016-12-25 from the calendar popup.
2.4.0 (13.05.2016)
NEW FEATURE: New feature to add price fields (add an extra cost to cart total based on a field selection). FIX: Fix for showing error message when adding select options.
2.3.1 (30.04.2016)
FIX: Added fix for the issue not showing select when options have special characters. FIX: Added fix for DatePicker date format issue.
2.3.0 (22.04.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Included new feature to add conditional fields. NEW FEATURE: Included option to add 'Hidden' fields. IMPROVED: Select, multiselect and radio improved to accept key value pair as options.
2.2.2 (26.02.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Added an option to set Time Format for Time Picker. NEW FEATURE: Added i18n support for Time Picker.
2.2.1 (24.02.2016)
FIX: Loading language file from WordPress language folder issue resolved. FIX: Debug mode warning message resolved.
2.2.0 (18.01.2016)
NEW FEATURE: Added three new field types(Time Picker, Hidden Field and Label). NEW FEATURE: Added more options to customize Date Picker properties. NEW FEATURE: Added multilingual support.
2.1.3 (08.12.2015)
FIX: Fix for disabled field validation issue in custom sections. FIX: Fix for ID/Name validation issue. FIX: Fix for multiselect value not displaying issue in order email.
2.1.2 (04.12.2015)
FIX: Fix for the issue in displaying custom section(s) after Order Note.
2.1.1 (25.11.2015)
FIX: Fix for remove section issue when using a numeric as section name. FIX: Fix for shipping fields modification not reflecting issue.
2.1.0 (04.11.2015)
NEW FEATURE: Added an option to add new section in checkout page. NEW FEATURE: Added an option to edit newly added section(s). NEW FEATURE: Added an option to delete newly added section(s).
2.0.2 (31.10.2015)
FIX: Change checkout field order JavaScript conflict workaround added. FIX: Display custom fields in order review issue fix.
2.0.1 (26.10.2015)
NEW FEATURE: Added an option to reset all custom changes back to the original WooCommerce fields set using a button ‘Reset to default fields’. NEW FEATURE: Added an option to enable/disable field(s)(temporarily remove) from displaying in checkout page, order details page and emails.
2.0.0 (19.10.2015)
INITIAL RELEASE: WooCommerce Checkout Form Designer pro initial version. INITIAL RELEASE: Feature to add new checkout fields in billing, shipping and additional fields sections. INITIAL RELEASE: Feature to edit checkout field properties in billing, shipping and additional fields sections. INITIAL RELEASE: Remove checkout fields from billing, shipping and additional fields sections. INITIAL RELEASE: Change the display order of checkout fields. INITIAL RELEASE: Option to add or remove fields from displaying in order details page. INITIAL RELEASE: Option to add or remove fields from displaying in order confirmation email.